Financial Aid
Students participating in UNC Asheville’s Study Abroad programs can expect to apply most types of financial aid for which they qualify, including Federal, State, and UNC Asheville grants and scholarships, as well as loans, to their study abroad experience. Please contact the Office of Financial Aid to review the details. Walk in M-F 9 am-5 pm, or call 828-251-6535.
The UNC Asheville Study Abroad Office is pleased to administer a number of awards for study abroad, made possible by generous donors who value the benefits of international education. All award recipients must be making successful progress towards graduation and must plan to maintain full-time enrollment status while abroad on a UNCA program (equivalency of 6 credit hours in Summer, 12 credit hours during the Fall or Spring Semester). Students will be considered for any award for which they meet the criteria.
UNC Asheville Grants and Awards for Study Abroad
McClinton Scholars Program
The McClinton Scholars Program was established in 2022 with a generous $1 million dollar gift from Susan and Ray McClinton. This program provides substantial financial support to students participating in semester-long study abroad. To be eligible you must:
- be enrolled in a semester-long study abroad program
Awardees will be selected from a range of disciplines, majors, and destinations to engage a diverse range of regional, linguistic, and cultural contexts. Academic merit and financial need will both be considered in selecting McClinton Scholars, with priority given to students who demonstrate both.
Gallaher Family Global Studies Fund
Because of a high regard for the UNC Asheville, and a sincere desire to provide study abroad opportunities to students the Gallaher Family established their fund in 2022 to support the provision of an annual need-based award of $2000 to a student seeking to participate in a faculty-led study abroad program. To be
eligible you must:
- be enrolled in a faculty-led study abroad program.
Financial need will be considered in selecting the Gallaher Family scholarship recipient with the person demonstrating the highest need given top priority.
Iovacchini Family Scholarship
Established to support scholarship awards at UNC Asheville to support international study, Iovacchini Family Scholarships are made available to students on the basis of need and merit for any UNC Asheville Study Abroad program.
Thorunn and David Ivey Study Abroad Scholarship
Established to support international experience, The Thorunn and David Ivey Study Abroad Scholarship is made available to students on the basis of need and merit for any UNC Asheville Study Abroad program.
UNC Asheville International Experience Grants
The UNC Asheville International Experience Grant was established to provide as many UNC Asheville students as possible with enriching and meaningful international experiences in order to enhance their education through the cultural and academic broadening that comes from completing some of their academic work in an international setting. Through these grants, need-based awards are available to students participating in any UNC Asheville study abroad program.
Other Funding Resources and Opportunities
The links below are other sources of aid you may apply for. Although this is not a comprehensive list, it can help you begin your research and explore multiple resources to fund your study abroad experience.
- Scholarship Finder Search – scholarships available only to students going abroad who meet the requirements
- AATG Study Abroad Scholarship for College Students
- AIFS Study Abroad – scholarships available only to students going abroad with AIFS
- American Association of Teachers of Japanese (Bridging Scholarship)
- Benjamin A Gilman International Scholarship (for students already receiving federal Pell Grant funding)
- Boren Scholarship – Program Scholarships and Fellowships focusing on geographic areas, languages, and fields of study that are critical to U.S. interests and underrepresented in study abroad
- CPR Certification Institute – The CPR Certification Institute for students with disabilities
- Critical Language Scholarship – The CLS Program is a nationally competed award open to all eligible U.S. undergraduate and graduate students in every field
- CDS International
- DAAD (specific to study in Germany)
- The Diverse International Women of Color Study Abroad Scholarship
- FinAid for Study Abroad Program – information on financial aid for college and tips on how to help ease the burden of college expenses
- Freeman-ASIA Scholarship – scholarships for U.S. undergraduate students with demonstrated financial need to study abroad in East or Southeast Asia
- Fulbright Scholarship – With advance notice, the UNCA Fulbright Committee will be pleased to help in the Fulbright application process for a post-bac experience. For more information on the program, or to request help and feedback in preparing an application, please contact Heidi Kelley ( and Eric Roubinek ( for student inquiries. For faculty inquiries, please contact Tiece Ruffin ( and Charlotte Smith (
- Fund for Education Abroad – scholarships and ongoing support to students who are underrepresented among the U.S. study-abroad population. FEA makes life-changing, international experiences accessible to all by supporting students of color, community college, and first-generation college students before, during, and after they participate in education abroad programs
- Gilman-McCain Scholarship – for dependents of active or activated military personnel during the time of application
- IES Study Abroad – Need-based aid, grants, and scholarships available only to students going abroad with IES
- IES Social Impact Scholarship – The Hemera Foundation Summer Social Impact Internship Scholarship was initiated by the Hemera Foundation, whose mission is to foster basic human goodness in individuals and society. This Scholarship, which will be sustained through a foundation collaborative, aims to inspire students to make a social impact through summer internships within philanthropic or direct service/social service organizations. Scholarship available only to students going abroad with IES
- JASSO Scholarship for Study in Japan
- Japan Bridging Scholarships
- NAFSA Resources for Students – links to help with financial aid
- National Science Foundation (focus on social sciences, chemistry, computers, engineering, geosciences, math, physics, psychology, and other related fields)
- PHI KAPPA PHI Abroad Grant – Phi Kappa Phi Study Abroad Grants are designed to help support undergraduates as they seek knowledge and experience in their academic fields by studying abroad. Applicants do not have to be Society members but must attend an institution with an active Phi Kappa Phi chapter
- Robert B. Bailey Scholarship and other CIEE Scholarships – specific to groups that have traditionally been underrepresented in study abroad
- Rotary International Ambassadorial Scholarships – four different grant types but students must become a Rotary member
- Toshizo Watanabe Study Abroad Scholarship – Study Abroad in Japan
- The William Jefferson Clinton Scholarship at the American University in Dubai
- WorldStrides Study Abroad – scholarships available only to students going abroad with WorldStrides faculty-led programs