Essential Standard Summary

North Carolina Curriculum- Essential Standards

Summary of Grade Level social studies topics as they relate to Culture and Diversity

(Road Shows that apply will be listed in parenthesis after each description)

GA indicates GLOBAL AMBASSADORS would fit with curriculum.

GRADES: Summary of course material

K-2: Exploring aspects of self, others, families and communities across the world in developmentally responsive ways. Comparing family traditions enable students to accept and appreciate their pluralistic society and acquire a sense of purpose regarding their role and the role of other citizens within the community and world. They examine why certain events and people are celebrated through national holidays. (ALL) GA

Third: Develop more sophisticated understandings of how communities may be linked to form larger political units, and how there are cultural, geographic, and economic connections. Understand people’s activities are influenced not only by their geographic location, but also by how they use the earth’s materials, the physical environment, and how they express their diversity through culture. Students will recognize that Americans are comprised of people who have diverse ethnic origins and traditions who all contribute to American life. By looking at communities from a geographic perspective, students become aware of some of the cultural, political, geographic, historic, environmental and economic factors that help bind communities together through both time and space. (ALL) GA

Fourth: North Carolina, its ethnic diversity, its rich culture. (Thanksgiving, Cherokee, Festivals of Light)

Fifth: Study of United States history with American Indian groups indigenous to the United States before the arrival of European settlers and conclude with the Civil War and Reconstruction period. Students expand their knowledge of human systems as they understand push/ pull factors of migration and immigration and their influence on culture in the United States. (Thanksgiving, Cherokee, Christmas in EnglandGA

Sixth: Students will understand the emergence, expansion, and decline of civilizations and societies from the beginning of human existence to the Age of Exploration (17th century). Students will look at the history and culture of various world regions including the development of economic, political and social systems. As students examine the various factors that shaped the development of civilizations, societies, and regions in the ancient world, they will examine both similarities and differences among these areas. A conscious effort should be made to integrate various civilizations, societies, and regions from every continent (Africa, Asia, Europe and the Americas). (Sukkot, Festivals, Chinese New Year) GA

Seventh: Students will study the world from the Age of Exploration to contemporary times in order to understand the implications of increased global interactions. This course will guide students through patterns of change and continuity with a focus on conflict and cooperation, economic development, population shifts, political thought and organization, cultural values and beliefs and the impact of environment over time. (ALL, WNC Goes GlobalGA

Eighth: Students will begin with a review of the major ideas and events preceding the foundation of North Carolina and the United States. The main focus of the course will be the critical events, personalities, issues, and developments in the state and nation from the Revolutionary Era to contemporary times. Inherent in this study is an analysis of the relationship of geography, events and people to the political, economic, technological, and cultural developments that shaped our existence in North Carolina and the United States over time. (Thanksgiving, Cherokee, Festivals of Light) GA


American History 1: focus on European Exploration through Reconstruction (Thanksgiving, Cherokee, Festivals of LightGA

American History 2: focus on political, economic, social and cultural development of the United States from the end of the Reconstruction era to present (Festivals of LightGA

World History: focus Mid 15th Century to Present (Loy Krathong, Yam Festival, Pongal, Festivals of Light, Good FortuneGA

Elective Courses:

The Cold War (Xmas/NY Russia)

World Humanities (ALLGA

20th Century Civil Liberties/Civil Rights (Chanukah, Ramadan, Kwanzaa, Posadas, Moravian )

21st Century Global Geography (WNC Goes GlobalGA